about us

The Ultimate Business Idea Review Podcast. A show for Entrepreneurs, by Entrepreneurs.

about us

We have 0 years of experience in podcasting… but so what?

Who cares how long you’ve been podcasting? YOu could have 10 years in and still be boring. We feel that as long as you have valuable and edutaining content (we do) and have a good time with your guests (that too), listeners will come. Try a few episodes on for size, and if you don’t like it, we’ll give you DOUBLE whatever you paid for it back!


The medium of podcasting and, the personal nature of it, is the best way to build a relationship with your listeners.

Listen in. Have a drink. Engage and give us your two cents on what you hear. This podcast isn’t a one-way street, its intention is to bring more people together, online and for in-person events even.

  • Spotify
  • Sound Cloud
  • Apple Podcast

podcasting experience

The Main Host Jason Centeno talks trash for a living, so, podcasting seemed like an easy enough logical extension of that. And if you need better credentials than that, give me 6 months and I’ll have some.

Find and listen your favorite podcast here

We believe that listening in is good, but SEEING the podcast, well, that’s even better. Especially when we start adding the DJ and the outtakes.

  • The vibe is Shark Tank meets Jimmy Kimmel.
  • We have a DJ. And yes, he’s available for parties.
  • Haven’t you always wondered if you should take action on your idea? Well, now you have a place to get feedback.
  • Our “Trash Talking” is more like constrictive criticism and done in good fun. Everyone learns something and has fun.

Meet Our Podcasters

The Dynamic Duo

Jason Centeno


Rosco Da Mouf


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