Listener Reviews

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5 star rating
5 star rating
“I don’t know these guys but they sure sound like a lot of fun. And sure they can use my picture until they get some real testimonials, not a problem.”

Russ Morey
Buffalo, NY
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“I met DJ Rosco once at a party. All I can say is that his hands are truly magical, and that blue is now my all-time favorite color. Call me Rosco!”
Susan Lauritsen
Casselberry, FL
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“As a bearded entrepreneur, I don’t find a lot of podcasts that speak directly to my kind, and while this one doesn’t glorify my beard game nearly enough, it is kinda funny and the trash talk is certainly entertaining. I give it 2 combs up.”

Vance Peters
Lynchburg, VA
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